An eclectic, or eclectic tournament, is a multi-round golf tournament that results in one 18-hole score per player. Eclectics work this way: Participants play X number of rounds, and compare their scores on each hole per round. The lowest score made on each hole is recorded, producing an 18-hole score. Example: There are three rounds; in Round 1, the golfer makes a 6 on hole No. 1; in Round 2, a 7 on hole No. 1; in Round 3, a 4 on hole No. 1. That golfer's score for the first hole is a 4.
The lowest of each round's scores per hole are recorded on one scorecard and turned in as the final score.
This is the first round of our winter eclectic competition. The winners of this round are in first place Bryan Foster 39 points, second Bryan Wood 37 points and Albert Aston in third place with 35 points.
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