Monday 28 February 2011

Golf Buggy!

He who has the fastest golf buggy never has a bad lie.

Mickey Mantle

Wednesday 23 February 2011

February Seaford Head!

Brian Cowie writes

The Away Day season continued on 17 February at Seaford Head. The weather was good and the wind just strong enough to be interesting. 20 Players turned up and most of them played!! The scoring was very good with an average points score of just over 36 per person. The winners were as follows:

Nearest pin (2nd shot) 2nd Bryan Foster
“ “ 4th Brian Wood
“ “ 10th Bill Power
“ “ 12th Terry Penfold
“ “ 16th Roy Lowe
“ “ (3rd shot) 18th Bryan Foster

Hacker (scenic route) Bill Power
Best Front 9 Bill Crozier
Best Back 9 Brian Cowie

3rd 40 ponts Peter Quelch
2nd 44 points beaten on countback Roy Lowe
Winner 44 points Terry Penfold

The top 5 in the William Crozier Trophy are:

Ron Stocker 209 points
Bill Huntley 208 “
Bryan Foster 207 “
Dug Godfrey 207 “
Brian Cowie 206 “

Tuesday 22 February 2011

Eddie Bowles wins the Eclectic!

The Eclectic last round saw a dramatic win by Eddie Bowles, which made him the overall competition winner!

Round 8

Winner Eddie Bowles 40pts.
Runner up Gavin Grove 35pts.
Third Terry Penfold 35pts C/b.

Final Results for 2010/2011.

Winner Eddie Bowles Gross 72pts Net 63pts.
Second Gavin Grove Gross 68pts Net 63pts.C/b.
Third Bryan Foster Gross 71pts Net 64pts.

Saturday 19 February 2011

February Texas Scramble!

The February Texas Scramble was a closely fought event with only six points separating the teams.

The results were follows

In first place 66 points

Mike Dean
Ivor Clays
Eddie Bowles
Dug Godfrey

In second place also 66 points

Bill Aston
Terry Phillips
Stan Smith
Jim Roberts

In third place with 67 points

Richard Aldridge
Reg Luft
Bill Power
Ivor Blunden

Saturday 12 February 2011

Eclectic Round 7

The winter "eclectic" competition is drawing to a close. The seventh round saw Tudor Williams win with 33 points. In second place also with 33 was Stan Smith - third place went to Bill Crozier with 32 points.

The competition to date is as follows:

Gavin Grove nett 69
Bryan Foster nett 72
Eddie Bowles nett 75

There is one more round to go!

Thursday 3 February 2011

Texas Scramble!

On 31 January twelve teams competed in a Texas Scramble. The result was very close.

In first place (net 62)

Joe Birgin
Mick Hart
Dug Godrey
Tudor Williams

Runners up were (net 63)

Mike Ward
Peter Quelch
Eddie Bowles
Ivor Clays

In third place (net 64)

John Rea
Ian Foster
Don Warner
Brian Cowie